/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RED - One-Multi Page HTML Website Template Changelog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ====================== Updating information: ====================== Explanation: Because of the nature of the HTML, it is not possible to use dynamic features to update the template automatically. All code changes and updates must be made manually! IMPORTANT!: Before you proceed to update, make sure that you have made copies of all the template files, in case something goes wrong then you can restore the previous version. The best way to update the template is to use some file comparison software to compare the differences between the old and new template versions (I recommend “WinMerge”: http://winmerge.org/). Then make the necessary changes. I know this may be time-consuming, but unfortunately, there is no easier solution. ---------------------------------- Version 3.0 (03 April 2021): ---------------------------------- BIG UPDATE! Everything is changed and remade. - Improved and changed HTML structure - Improved and changed CSS code - Improved and changed JS code - Improved and changed file structure - Added page "about-us.html" - Added page "blog-grid.html" - Added page "blog-grid-sidebar.html" - Added page "blog-single-post.html" - Added page "blog-standard.html" - Added page "contact.html" - Added page "contact-2.html" - Added page "dummy-page.html" - Added page "elements-buttons.html" - Added page "elements-forms.html" - Added page "elements-typography.html" - Added page "one-page-image-intro.html" - Added page "one-page-slideshow-intro.html" - Added page "one-page-video-intro.html" - Added page "portfolio.html" - Added page "portfolio-alter.html" - Added page "portfolio-image-gallery.html" - Added page "resources.html" - Added page "resources-2.html" - Added page "services.html" Changed files: - theme.css - theme.js - All HTML files - Documentation ---------------------------------- Version 2.0 (08 November 2020): ---------------------------------- - Updated "Bootstrap" to latest version. - Updated "Font Awesome" to latest version. - Updated "YTPlayer" to latest version. - Updated "jQuery" to latest version. - Updated some outdated links. - Fixed font https issue. - Improved slider nav buttons to show on small screens. Changed files: - theme.css - theme.js - All HTML files - Documentation ---------------------------------- Version 1.9 (13 June 2019): ---------------------------------- - Updated "Bootstrap3" to "Bootstrap4". - Updated "Font Awesome" to latest version. - Updated "YTPlayer" to latest version. - Changed accordion structure (re-styled and 4 styles added). - Removed "Smoothscroll" plugin. - Improved code comments. - Improved helper classes. - Minor CSS fixes and general improvements. Changed files: - theme.css - menu.css - helper.css - theme.js - All HTML files ---------------------------------- Version 1.8 (02 November 2018): ---------------------------------- - Updated "fontawesome" plugin (free version). - Updated "Owl Carousel" plugin. - Updated "YTPlayer" plugin. - Fixed missing article title links. - Fixed missing "Counter Up" icon. - Minor CSS fixes and general improvements. Changed files: - theme.css - index.html - slideshow-intro.html - video-intro.html ---------------------------------- Version 1.7 (18 August 2018): ---------------------------------- - Added "favicon.ico" - Updated "fontawesome" plugin (free version). - Updated "YTPlayer" plugin. - Updated "Masonry" plugin. - Updated "Imagesloaded" plugin. - Minor CSS fixes and general improvements. Changed files: - theme.css - theme.js - All HTML files ---------------------------------- Version 1.6 (17 December 2017): ---------------------------------- - Updated "YTPlayer" plugin. - Minor CSS fixes and general improvements. Changed files: - theme.css - theme.js ------------------------------- Version 1.5 (08 July 2017): ------------------------------- - Updated "jQuery". - Updated "Owl Carousel" plugin. - Updated "YTPlayer" plugin. - Updated "Masonry" plugin. - Removed "Stellar" plugin (no longer maintained). - Minor CSS fixes and general improvements. Changed files: - All HTML files - theme.css - theme.js ------------------------------- Version 1.4 (23 January 2017): ------------------------------- - Updated "Bootstrap". - Updated "fontawesome" plugin. - Updated "Magnific Popup" plugin. - Updated "Owl Carousel" plugin. - Updated "YTPlayer" plugin. - Updated "Imagesloaded" plugin. - Updated "Masonry" plugin. - Updated "Waypoints" plugin. ------------------------------- Version 1.3 (19 January 2016): ------------------------------- - Fixed "CounterUp" plugin issue. - Updated "Magnific-Popup" plugin. - Updated "YTPlayer" plugin. - Updated "Imagesloaded" plugin. - Updated "Masonry" plugin. -------------------------------- Version 1.2 (06 December 2015): -------------------------------- - Added "Magnific Popup" plugin (for portfolio items). - Improved OWL Carousel (you can use data attriputes to change carousel options). - Minor CSS fixes and general improvements. - Updated plugins to latest version. ------------------------------- Version 1.1 (14 October 2015): ------------------------------- - Fixed responsive issue with portfolio items in Firefox. ------------------------------ Version 1.0 (31 August 2015): ------------------------------ - Initial Release